Official Ex-Sony President Says That Laid Off Employees Should "Drive An Uber"


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Ex-Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Chris Deering does not believe recent layoffs across the games industry have been a result of corporate greed.

Deering acknowledged recent layoffs at Sony, including the London Studio, but noted

"if the money isn't coming in from the consumers on the last game, it's going to be hard to justify spending the money for the next game".

He continued:

"I think it's probably very painful for the managers, but I don't think that having skill in this area [of game dev] is going to be a lifetime of poverty or limitation. It's still where the action is, and it's like the pandemic but now you're going to have to take a few…figure out how to get through it, drive an Uber or whatever, go off to find a cheap place to live and go to the beach for a year. But keep up with your news and keep up with it, because once you get off the train, it's much harder."


Full report On: Games industry layoffs not the result of corporate greed and those affected should "drive an Uber", says ex-Sony president
"Why are game studios in a slump?" Well, gee, maybe it’s because every game is rushed, packed with bugs, and stuffed with microtransactions. Consumer demand is dropping because of those tactics.
Such a gross thing, and it reminds me of something the chairman of the Federal Reserve (Jerome Powell, a "bipartisan" bloodsucker supported by both parties) said in America recently:

"My goal is to get wages down," and, "Workers need to be disciplined by the labor market." It’s insane. We think we're so civilized for avoiding political violence, but sometimes you wonder if the way Libya treated Gaddafi wasn’t a more fitting response for this kind of mindset.