Interview EA Cut Dead Space Marketing Budget To Focus On Mirror's Edge


Staff member
In a video interview, Robbins explains how mock reviews pegged Dead Space as a game that would get 70-ish review scores, while Mirror’s Edge was estimated to get scores of 90.

They actually cut our marketing budget…and Mirror’s Edge got it all. We were releasing about the same time, and they were trying to figure out the budget for that launch window. And they did all these internal tests or whatever. Like Metacritic analysis, like mock scores, and they had Mirror’s Edge at a 90 and Dead Space at 70. They had Dead Space at a 70 and this is internally and this is right before, like, a couple of months before we ship. They weren’t looking at an unfinished game; we were almost done, and they thought we were going to be like a 72, and they slashed our marketing budget, and they doubled down on Mirror’s Edge. Mirror’s Edge did well, it was like in the 80’s, but we ended up with a 90.
I actually think it may have helped us because we became …we’re such a good game that didn’t have a lot of marketing, telling everyone we’re going to be the best game ever people discovered it on their own. Sort of like, a word-of-mouth cult following that really quickly generated like, “have you heard this thing?”

Note: Its the original Dead Space and Mirror's Edge

EA Cut Dead Space's Marketing Budget to Pour Into Mirror's Edge Due to Mock Review Scores