Destiny 2: The Final Shape Becomes 2024’s Highest-Rated Release


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It seems that Destiny 2’s new DLC has finally lived up to everyone’s expectations. As per the current critic and user review scores on Metacritic, The Final Shape has quickly risen through the ranks to become 2024’s highest-rated release. In other words, the 95 Metascore has become high enough to leave other major 2024 games in the dust.

The new hearty campaign has won the hearts of many reviewers and players alike, which has caused a huge bump in scores. One might not be satisfied with the results of a single review aggregator site, so I’ve also looked at OpenCritic scores. As one might expect, the Destiny 2 expansion has also dominated the yearly chart there.

What do you guys think? Is this score well-deserved after all the controversy Bungie faced and the internal issues within the Studio's managment?

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Well-deserved, I think more attention should be paid to the Steam ratings because the community is more vocal about the games highs and lows
The DLC is absolutely stellar, the secrets are overflowing with richness, feels like taken king and forsaken all over again man
ehhh? thats like 10 or so reviews?
IMO needs more before it gets that 90, this is just too easy for Bungie
Buddy cut them some slack, its an MMO game, the reviews are coming in periodically since the reviewers wanna experience everything the expansion offers
I only played Destiny 1 back in the day when the taken king DLC launched so all this praise of the game recently has me thinking of investing on it again lol