Destiny 2 Salvation's Edge raid guide


Since most of the other communities of this game have been toxic to me over the years, thought I'd ask here on what guide is the best to use in order to learn the new salvation's edge raid? I want to learn the mechanics before I ask my friends and clannmates for a sherpa run so if you have any quick info or good videos that explain the mechanics and encounters that d be great
By all means, The Salvation's Edge raid isn't particularly difficult, its just that its very mechanic focused (Thank God)
But yea, I can understand if casual players get overwhelmed with learning so be ready for it

  • Most of the mechanics aside from the last one involves around the ping ponging between energy plates through encounter 1 2 3 to spawn shapes and close off conductor obelisks, if you learn that and its timing for them, you're set there
  • Shapes, oh boy this raid is shapes galore, and there's a TON of guides out there for Verity, the 4th encounter and the most complex one of all, I suggest checking out Truevanguards video for that one.
  • For Witness, my tip would be to learn the DPS pattern first to dodge his attacks if you're team is comfortable with letting you do that since DPS gets off very easily at least in my experience
Good luck! let me know if you get it done or if you have more questions about the raid
Yooo, you can check this video my friend shared with me before attempting the raid
+1 to Datto's guides, but then again this time you might wanna check out others like TrueVanguard since Datto doesn't really do a simple job of explaining it IMO

Some tips from my end, if looking at it by this week the raid has arc/stasis surges, make sure to use arc surges and weapons for DPS and or ad clear
Indebted Kindness works great generally and for DPS on 2nd boss the Bequest sword or Legend of Acrius is amazing

For the Witness, use Grand Overture
The no 1 thing I should tell you is that Verity is really easy, so please don't get overwhelmed when trying to learn it
I strongly recommend finding a team that can either let you understand that via the encounter itself

But before that, watch this video too