Interview Console Will Remain The Core Business For PlayStation Despite Rising Popularity Of PC


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Console will remain the core business for Sony Interactive Entertainment and PlayStation despite the rising popularity of PC gaming.

During a recent interview with Nikkei, Hideaki Nishino, CEO of the Platform Business Group at Sony Interactive Entertainment, was asked about the value of PlayStation home consoles amidst the rising popularity of PC gaming. In his response, he pointed out that many mobile games have ads, and PCs are difficult to set up. He further mentioned that, with PlayStation, users can play the content they purchased as soon as they power it on. According to him, the products are clearly displayed in the stores where users buy software, which results in it being an intuitive experience.

Full details here:
I’m not going to wait years for a port if I can play it on console right away

As long as the prices stay reasonable and the content keeps coming, I’m here to stay.
PC owners aren't fans of this, huh? Haha! Big games aren’t coming to PC right away; there’s still a pretty long wait

Meanwhile, we’ll be playing and finishing them
Why not go enjoy some DOTA and work on a spreadsheet while you wait?
Seems to me they ve been seeing the super positive reviews of their games on Steam but yet they wont bring over ACTUAL classics like Gravity Rush and Bloodborne lol
I have nothing against PC gaming; I just prefer consoles, and I’m glad that consoles will continue to be Sony’s main focus for the foreseeable future
I’m also totally fine with games being released on PC