Bosses That Actually Try To Kill You And Feel Like A Real Threat


[Verified Gamer]
I've been playing Shadow of the Erdree a lot recently, and it made me realize how bosses actually feel like a real threat. An actual roadblock. An encounter where the threat is real and it is actually trying to kill you.

Not two strikes and a slam attack that you can jump by. Another example is Mr X from Resident Evil. I hate it when game hypes up this huge big bad and it ends up being such a pathetic encounter

ITT: Games with actual real threats.
The Nameless King from Dark Souls 3 fits this bill perfectly. He's aggressive, unpredictable, and doesn't give you much breathing room. His fast, powerful, and varied attacks keep you constantly on the back foot.
The final boss in Sifu is a great villain with a compelling story build-up. Once the fight begins, his moveset feels like it's fueled by pure hatred.