Black Myth Wu Kong or Elden Ring + SoTE


Which one would you prefer in any way, either in difficulty or in another aspect. Which did you find preferring more
They are two distinct games. In the end, spending on Elden Ring offers far more value due to its massive amount of content, which doesn't sacrifice quality. Wukong can't even come close in that aspect. As for the gameplay, I'm not sure. All I know is that I have no interest in Chinese mythology or the game's overall style, so I won't be giving it a shot.
Both games are great, but Elden Ring offers a longer experience with its open-world design, while Wukong is more linear and shorter in comparison.
I haven't played Wukong myself, and while it definitely looks amazing, every bit of gameplay I've seen convinced me it wouldn't be my kind of game. It's just not for me, even though I'm a big fan of Souls games and action RPGs in general. On the other hand, I've played Elden Ring along with the DLC, and it's become some of my favorite media ever.
Elden Ring is the better choice. It received higher reviews and has had several patches to fix any issues, so it's likely to be less buggy than BMW. Plus, it's more affordable, and with the recent DLC release, the player base is still quite active.
Both games are excellent, but Elden Ring is in a league of its own. Wukong might be my Game of the Year, but I'd still choose Elden Ring without a second thought. Plus, Elden Ring is already highly polished and feels complete, while Wukong will likely improve with patches over the next six months.
They’re two distinct games, but based on cinematics and sound design alone, Elden Ring stands out. Its lore and story benefit from expanding on a well-known narrative. While I also love Elden Ring, the fact that this game is so impressive despite coming from a much smaller studio than FromSoftware is pretty astonishing. It might be tough to top this, given how well it’s performing.
I don’t understand the comparison. Wukong is Game Science’s first major title, and they did a great job with it. However, it’ll likely take them a decade to reach the level of FromSoftware's earlier games.
If you’re a huge fan of Elden Ring, definitely go for its DLC. Shadow of the Erdtree feels almost like a full sequel. The monkey game can wait. 😅👍
Wukong is too easy, which kind of undermines the challenge of an action game. Elden Ring strikes a much better balance. Beyond the boss fights, Elden Ring stands out—Wukong only really excels in that area.
I’m having more fun with Wukong than Elden Ring, but if you’re on PS5, I’d recommend getting Elden Ring first. Wukong has some performance issues on PS5—it’s still playable and I’m enjoying it, but it might be worth waiting for the first patch if Elden Ring is also on your list.
I haven’t finished Shadow of the Erdtree yet, but it’s fantastic. Many of the bosses are top-tier, right up there with Elden Ring.
Elden Ring. I'm having a great time with Wukong, but there's just more content and variety in the base game of Elden Ring, especially when you factor in the DLC.

I will say I prefer the faster pace of combat in Wukong, though. That's usually the case for me; I've always found the combat in Souls games, aside from Sekiro, to be a bit slow.
I've always been fascinated by Journey to the West, but Miyazaki’s imagination has impressed me even more.