Suggestions Best talismans in Elden Ring DLC?

Just started the Shadows of the Erd and am fully aware of the difficulty debate. Can any one guide me what talismans I should be looking for, for a smoother playthrough?
Dragonn Crest Sheild Talisman and Two-Headed Turtle Talisman completely takes care of the Damage and Stamina problem.

These two are must have.

Besides that: Two-Handed Swordsman if you are two handing the words, Shard of Alexander for increased damage from skills, and Finally Godfrey Icon which raises charge attack power of sorceries, incantations and skills

These are the ones I recommend
Dragon Crest - damage negation
Shard of Alexander - skill attacks
Two Headed Turtle - stamina
scorpion charm - magic damage
pearl shield talisman
Spelldrake, flamedrake etc for speciic fire, damage, lightning etc negation

Lord of Blood's Exultation - if you are have a bleed build.

If you regularly do jump attacks , then I suggest Claw Talisman. Also, the DLC has the +variants of Health and Staimina Talisman, as well as FP talismans. So if you are lacking in those, you can pick them up too