Avowed's Director Interview via Game Informer


Staff member
I think the best comparison is The Outer Worlds. I think that gives a much clearer idea of the scope of the game and also the design and layout. Like The Outer Worlds, Avowed has a series of open zones that are connected and unlock over the course of the game, rather than one giant map that you can walk through from beginning to end. And yeah, in terms of the kind of the quest structure, the narrative structure, it's a lot closer to The Outer Worlds, as well.

There is no pacifist route in Avowed so no, this isn't a game where you're gonna be able to avoid all combat.

Tonally, the best comparison is going to be Deadfire, the second Pillars game where you have a very grounded and serious political story. A very kind of weird and esoteric, metaphysical, and divine story beneath that. A lot of moments of seriousness, but also moments of levity to kind of to kind of break that up, and a lot of those things are very character-based. So yeah, I wouldn't compare it tonally to The Outer Worlds.

Full Interview
Reading the bit about tone makes me incredibly excited. pillars of eternity 2 is easily one of my favorite games of all time with absolutely impeccable atmosphere. More games need to take inspiration from it.
I honestly didnt enjoy Outer Worlds that much. Found it kinda..... dull? I hope Avowed is not the same as Fallout New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all time
A very kind of weird and esoteric, metaphysical, and divine story beneath that. A lot of moments of seriousness, but also moments of levity to kind of to kind of break that up, and a lot of those things are very character-based.

That bit makes me so incredibly excited. I hope the final game is just as good as he described