Anyone tried the new XDefiant game?


I've been playing the Division 2 and Rainbow Six Seige religiously.
Was waiting for XDefiant to release and it's free-to-play, making a perfect opportunity for everyone to try.
However, my internet is capped so before downloading, I wanted to get views about the game from this community.
Isit good? Bad? or meh?
Your response is appreciated!
It has different factions from Division and will include some from Rainbow Six Seige down the line.
As far as gunplay go, It reminds me of Black Ops 4 when it was released with a slightly less TTK.
The game's optimization is a bit quirky and there's no support for FSR or DLSS yet.
Guns included in the game right now are your average common FPS shooter ones instead of having dedicated game franchise based weapons, yet.
Considering all these, I think the game's decent but it will get better over time. I'd suggest waiting a few major patches out.
Seemed like another cod clone man, I played the open beta on my PS5 and was excited that just MAYBE Ubisoft might nail an original shooter but it still needs a lot of time in the oven before it seems enticing