Answers of Remnant 2 AMA (PART I)


Staff member

The answers provided to us by Gunfire Games don't fit in one post so I'll be posting them in three parts.

Below I am pasting all the answers to provided to us by Gunfire games. Prepare for a long text!

I’ve always loved the art direction in your games since the original Remnant, and with 2, it gave me the chance to play it on launch with such anticipation. It delivered so hard and still has with the previous two DLCs. Is there any inspiration for the cosmic horror art direction that you guys used for this franchise when first developing it?
Cindy To, Principal Level Designer at Gunfire Games: Many Remnant themes are definitely inspired by lovecraftian and eldritch horror so naturally, N'Erud was our 'cosmic horror biome' as we made a 'Remnant sci-fi world'. N'Erud is about discovering a civilization whose advancement is beyond our own, only to see them get devastated by a black hole; no man or entity can escape the grasp of nature. I think it will be a fun journey for the players to see a desolate N'Erud from the base game but with the DLC, also a glimmer of what N'Erud may have been.
Randall Villegas, Principal Environment Artist at Gunfire Games: Cosmic horror was a huge inspiration for a lot of our spaces and big moments. Thinking about are more cerebral spaces in N’Erud and dream sequences in Losomn there was a lot of thought invoking that sense of the uncanny and macabre. Even in spaces that had less of an overt reference or inspiration we pulled on these themes to guide the mood we wanted to develop.
Steve Bednarz, Senior Designer at Gunfire Games: Don’t know what you’re talking about. Never heard of Berserk or Bloodborne. What’s that?

Congrats on the final DLC! This might seem far-fetched for now, but what is the next project do you guys plan to develop now after finishing up with Remnant 2? Is a sequel planned or a completely new IP?
Cindy To, Principal Level Designer at Gunfire Games: Thanks! It’s been a long journey, and the team is definitely excited and proud of the work. We will work on miscellaneous support such as bug fixes and tuning post the DLC launch. We love the Remnant universe, but who knows what the future will bring – we just hope the community will continue to support us! (Also, a magician never reveals their secrets ;P)

Hey guys! Really loved Remnant 2 and for me the most me and my best friend liked was the Awakened King DLC, but in the Forgotten Kingdom, we returned back to Yaesha again, was this decision a risky choice, or did you guys feel like you wanted to expand more lore in that zone?
Cindy To, Principal Level Designer at Gunfire Games: I wouldn’t say risky since Yaesha has a long history in the Remnant universe, appearing in multiple games. That said, our goal for the three DLC’s was to elaborate on existing narratives that were teased out from the base Remnant 2 game. Plus, I’d say this version of Yaesha was definitely the most vibrant, colorful forest we’ve explored yet! Also, you can only call them your best friend if they killed your character with a Pan dart trap!
Randall Villegas, Principal Environment Artist at Gunfire Games: I feel it was important to us to explore this space artistically as well since it’s such a legacy area. As a team, we always focus and come up with a strong plan of attack with room for fluidity to make the best product possible.

This game and Remnant 2 are two of my all-time favorite games. Thank you for the support you gave to Remnant 2.
My question is are you guys satisfied with the launch you had for Remnant 2 and these DLCs? Also were there any major hurdles that you had to go through during the development stages to make it as unique of a sequel as possible?
Cindy To, Principal Level Designer at Gunfire Games: I think the team is amazed at the reception we’ve received, especially because so many games came out in 2023. Then to be nominated for Best Action Game... we couldn’t be happier! As for hurdles, we always try to challenge ourselves and ask, “what’s the next level version of XYZ-” or “how do we keep this fresh or different-”. It can be difficult to break old habits or you may reinvent the wheel. Looking at the journey of Remnant 2 from the beginning to the DLCs, you can see our evolution of the quest and environments. It’s also nice because the DLC was intentionally built to fit into the main campaign, giving a player a wide variety of possibilities from biome to biome. So, we hope this keeps folks engaged, whether you’re a returner or a brand new player.
Randall Villegas, Principal Environment Artist at Gunfire Games: I’m extremely proud of how the environment art team came together and tackled these DLC’s and transformed the world our players know and love. The Dark Horizon DLC was definitely a challenge balancing making sure the gliding worked, the art was beautiful, and it wasn’t just a broken mess. Our team has always been strong at overcoming adversity and pushing the envelope and I think our final DLC hit the mark we were striving for.