Official Add 8 PC Games To Your Steam Library For $12 - Sifu, High On Life, Gotham Knights, And More


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Humble Choice is technically a membership program for $12/month, but in practice, you can take view it much like Humble's regular slate of game bundles. That's because once you claim the eight free games each month, they will remain in your Steam library even if you cancel your subscription.. August 2024's Humble Choice lineup includes several big name games like Sifu, High on Life, and Gotham Knights, as well as lesser-known gems like Diluvian Ultra and Astral Ascent.

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Gotham Knights is a really rough game even now but its pretty fun if you got a friend or two
Me and my friends had a laugh playing it even tho it was clunky asf
I played High on Life to take a break from all the damn stress that Tekken's ranked gave me lmao so it was a enjoyable game, corny ass jokes and a subjective humor which isn't surprising since its the rick and morty's creator game
as someone who has played Sifu and High on life I would highly recommend going for this and trying out these games
Gotham Knights is not worth a single penny but if you really want to try it out I think this is the best way (get it for cheaper so that you don't regret it)