Rumor A PlayStation Showcase Can Still Happen In September, Says Analyst


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The analyst mentions obvious reasons, like Sony’s gaming brand approaching its 30th anniversary this year and the reported arrival of the PS5 Pro. These already make a strong case for the next showcase.

He also states that sources have already informed him about the showcase.


I think they have always held a sort of major showcase in September. I dont remember if there was one last year but there definetly was in 2022 and it was epic
I am guessing they will do a full 40 mins balls out showcase like they did back in the day.

They need to unleash a wave of announcments like they used to do. I think that was 2021 or 2020 showcase
I dont think this is going to be as big as 2021 showcase, just some random new games and the PS5 pro,
Yes they always had a pattern of doing a major one in September but it also concides with their anniversary . Hopefully they will do it