Question from stun on discord:
Mounted enemies when
Pigging back on his question. Some questions and suggestions. I apologize in advance because this is going to be a very very long post.
1) You guys have an incredible system with feints (canceling abilities before the cast, I’m not sure what the official terminology for this is) and using feints to bait out defensives, and I think it has only made pvp very engaging, fun and methodical, but for these to be fair, feints need to be reactable to.
Most of the CC you guys have from weapons before 1.0 (except for soul burn) was reactable to after the cast, axe e was slow even at close range, and you had to be precise, but it did incredible damage, slasher e could not be cancelled and you had to go invisible before the incap which gave enough time to react and either iframe or dash away or pop a defensive, mace e was instant but did very little damage, 50% physical damage so that was balanced and the knockback distance ensured that you couldn't get a spear q off making it balanced (this has changed now with rogue movespeed). The new weapons though don't adhere to this.
Whip E for example goes so quick that you can't tell if its a bait or people are just throwing it out leading to having to blindly guess based on intuition. Not to mention the ability is incredibly easy to hit, does more damage than mace even though its cancellable and arguably just as effective at that range, the same can be said for artefact spear e. Its a pretty similar ability and has the same problem. Not to mention they are really good setups for spear q.
Another issue with this weapon is due to how important dash autos are in the game, you can confirm dash autos pretty easily with whip because of how fast the autos land. And the same issues with baits also persist for whip autos, although to a lesser extent
The autos are still a little too fast for whip.
Its possible to maybe get around this problem with artefact spear e is by ensuring it only incaps if the spear e hits beyond a certain distance (adding more time for people to be able to react to).
Could make whip e either uncancellable or not being able to change direction once the cast animation starts making it more difficult to hit (royeen suggested this before).
2)[Suggestion] Thoughts about adding a few more stats to the game like anti heal, shield pen against builds that like to stack shields and sustain. Counter stats to prevent certain builds from becoming too strong. These would not only be great levers to tweak to help balance in between major updates without having to reset everything to update the patch cause it would only have to be number changes here. For example it would have been so much helpful to have these stats against rage+coldsnap+frost dash. And back when aegis and rite was good it would have been useful as well. An stat that reduces percentage movespeed they get if you get hit by them etc....
This could be added to the passives. Or could be stats on jewels, weapons, armors, maybe new equippables?
3) Can we get more iframes on q abilities. I know we hate too many iframes but you guys already put it on everything so it doesn't really matter now. However it does lock people into requiring to carry certain weapons, slasher for example or pistol simply because you need atleast two iframes (unless your wanette I guess).
This could be added to some of the artefact weapons so that these weapons can be dropped for other weapons encouraging build diversity. I know greatsword e exists but that's a troll Iframe in pvp because people sit underneath it and get a free counter proc making it bad as an Iframe
Like for example one of the previous iterations of longbow had the jumping ability on Q.
Acrobatic shot is what was called I believe
Wraith spear could also probably be changed to a spear Iframe (yes I know its a wild suggestion)
4)[Suggestion] Some of the abilities for the weapons are bad and that's kinda sad because they are very cool abilities and it would be good if it wasn't so limited in the PvP side of things. For example pistol Q, its great in PvE sure but its really bad in PvP and you'd get screwed over pretty hard if you do use it.
Which is a shame cause there are pretty interesting variants on the pistol Q ability, lucian's ultimate (from league) for example is fantastic, approximately 2:30 in the video below. Echo's sticky bombs could be another variation of this ability since pistol e already sticks. I guess I'm asking if the knockback can be dropped for tighter spread?
Sword Q too is pretty bad as a standalone ability, it has great situational use into counters not named discharge but on its own its a bad ability.
Same with crossbow Q, cause it would be a much better ability if the spread was a lot tighter and the pattern fixed instead of varying with use of ability, I understand you guys want some amount of rng but this kind of rng on the core functioning of an ability is weird (obviously needs damage nerfs if it does end up happening)
Could mace Q get a buff as well, its pretty weak rn if its not the artefact version
5)[Suggestion] Artefact crossbow E could use a bit more cast time because aegis pop into xbow e is pretty unreactable to.
6)[Suggestion] Artefact greatsword E is weird. The regular ability on its own isn't that great because its so telegraphed, still a decent iframe but could the artefact greatsword e's ability be changed to that of the undead guardians (those great axe wielding mobs near church of the damned) the slam their axe down on the ground leaving a line of area damage. That could be the entire ability and it'd be much more viable (without the stun).
Or alternatively it could be similar to braum's ability with one addition to make it less unfair on a basic ability
Knocks up only at cursor location. So its sort of like aftershock combined with the knockup at an AoE circle after a brief duration like axe at a target location. With faster knockup the longer away it is to stop being being abused at close range. Sorry for the crude description, I'm not great with this language. Picture presented below to explain my caveman thoughts

7)[Could cyclone lose its stun, its great that there is an ability that goes through counters but the stun along with that is problematic.
8)Can scholar be made more consistent, or could we get an alternate version of scholar that is more consistent. Something similar to jumong from battlerite where he builds up 3 stacks or however many giving the dude a free recast (I understand this would be bad on defensive abilities and soft defensive abilities so maybe purely offensive recasts?). This is just an example but would be nice if there was a variation of scholar with good consistency
9) One of the combos in this game is very ping dependent, sword e into reaper q is very dependent on ping, can be it be made into either a true combo or not a true combo. It is very much true at 2ms (which is what I play at when I log into V arena, I'm very likely sitting right on top of the dallas server in the US) but it is not so for other people
10) Some of the new weapons and necklaces act to sabotage the people use them. The green necklace that summons skeletons on numerous occasions has been working for the enemy because he ruins incaps by hitting them while they are incapped. It betrays the user. Same could be said about static slashers, which produce the orb that breaks incaps.
11) Why did blood slashers lose the incap? I'm not complaining but I'm curious why. What is the playstyle it was trying to promote?
12) I also think CC needs to be toned down a fair bit. Because compared to before combo setups have become a bit too easy. Whip e, art spear e, art xbow e are examples.
13) Is there any chance you guys can change the travel distance of ultimate abilities? Right now a dash ultimate is a requirement because of how far it goes and how useful it is for chase and escape and that's ruining some of the other ultimates that are available
14) Thoughts on adding base damage reduction on offensive spells either through the passive system available or through jewels so that they would be more viable into double defensives (very specifically projectiles)? This is another lever to tweak
15) Can soulburn be either changed into a counter or a projectile cause I don't see the present spell being balanced only oscillating between bad and broken.
16) Last can void be reverted to have knockback instead of pull because that's a much more interesting ability