Of all the different game genres, which ones have you found to be the most successful and easy to sell in the current market?
I read in another interview where the creative director of Chimera Entertainment said that publishers rarely support innovative ideas now. Is that really the case? Or I guess I should frame this as, how much risk are publishers open to take if the pitched title is highly innovative?
If you could pick one of your upcoming titles as something everyone should keep an eye on, which one would it be?
Are live service titles overrated? And why do you think big publishers opt for the live service model even when the audience clearly doesn't want it? On a similar note, which live-service game do you think has done the live-service part perfectly well?
During the current climate of the games industry, would you recommend aspiring devs to into game development or pursue other programming fields?

If yes, then would you say its better to join small indie team/publishers or giant AAA teams?
I dont have much to say except for thank you for publishing Manor Lords. I loved playing Stronghold as a kid, and while Manor Lords is not exactly the same it satisfies that itch for me. Something I can play after a long day to relax. It really is one of the few things keeping me together
Going through Hooded Horse portfolio is it safe to assume that you are more inclined to invest in games that have hooded men and horses in them

Joking XD. Strategy-based and medieval era games populate your portfolio. Is it something that just happened naturally
For data analytics and market research with regards to targets audiences what platforms do you use to get your numbers?

First of all. Thanks alot for supporting these small projects . I have poured dozen of hours in Terra Invicta, Manor Lords, Workers and Resources. You guys are doing amazing work.

Can we expect a PlayStation 5 version release in Early Access period of Manor Lords? Or will it come with the full release